Belarusian Helsinki Committee
Election Type:
Recommending Organization:
Coalition of organizations
Primary Thematic Area:
Election day
Subtopic of primary thematic area:
Election procedures (opening, voting, counting, tabulation)
The existing procedure of counting of votes is not transparent. One of the main reasons is the absence of a detailed description of all counting procedures in the EC. Therefore, the following procedures of vote counting need to be enshrined in the legislation: counting of votes must to be carried out publicly in the presence of observers who can monitor the accuracy of the counting of voters' will in every bulletin (i.e., to see the contents of each ballot); counting of votes must be conducted by one of the commission members, who announces the vote in the ballot box and shows the ballot to all members of the commission and observers; counting of votes must be conducted separately for each ballot box and results of such separate counting must be reflected in the final protocol. A copy of the final protocol, signed by the chairman and secretary of the commission and certified by its seal must be issued to an observer on his request.
Action required:
Legal change
Degree of Recommendation's Priority / Urgency / Relevance:
Body / Institution Responsible for Implementation:
Implementation Status:
Not implemented